Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Phenomenal Girl

Such an intelligent girl , with love put to waste . No guy seems to know how to give her God’s kind of grace.
So in love with her thoughts its like I want to make love to her mind , but your heart has been impaired and can only be composed overtime .
She’s the reason a man can’t be true to himself , he’s so afraid himself won’t be enough to keep there hearts together from being dealt .
Aspirations is her number one dream , her ambitions keeps the world on her team . waiting on love to appear in her world , she doesn’t want to pursue she’s not that type of girl .
The justification of her words needs no explanation to mankind , theoretically her mind keeps me at one steady pace in time . the motivation I receive from her speeches rekindles my thoughts on love and stretches my soul enough that trust reaches .
I want to in vision a life as you being a wife , you won’t have to be mine I just have to make sure that any man won’t abuse your mind. But I wouldn’t mind you as my spouse , every disagreement we have you strike back with strong arouse . sending wave links and connections from your heart to mine , reading my mind knowing if one night I don’t call im probably on borrowed time .
Making me work for your el amor , I can’t speak spanish but our language speaks from the center of our souls core .
And if I could I would pulverize your pain , no longer will you ever have to feel any type of strain . I will be your mindful work horse , when your studying for finals let me be your mindful study course .
You’re a phenomenal girl trying to piece together an anti-phenomenal world . wanting to be loved but afraid to love again , but my heart can be your shelter I will allow your heart to mend .

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